What is MedSirat CTC?  

MedSirat CTC (Coaching, Training, Consulting) is a service dedicated to small, medium, and large businesses, as well as individuals:

  • Coaching: tailored support for individuals to maximize their potential and achieve their professional aspirations.
  • Training: customized training programs designed to enhance our clients' skills and capabilities, including a variety of topics, such as soft skills, technical skills, and leadership development.
  • Consulting: strategic recommendations to support businesses in improving performance and overcoming market challenges.

MedSirat Ventures is a customized incubation program that provides entrepreneurs with the resources and support they need to launch and grow their businesses. The program offers a variety of services, including:

  • Personalized coaching and mentoring
  • Specialized training programs
  • Digital marketing and IT development services
  • Access to a network of investors 

Siratify is a social platform dedicated to entrepreneurs and ecosystem stakeholders, including mentors, investors, and support organizations. The platform provides a variety of resources and tools to help entrepreneurs at all stages of their journey, from ideation to launch and growth.

MedSirat Experts Academy is a comprehensive training program designed to prepare future leaders for the challenges of tomorrow. The program offers a variety of courses on a variety of topics, including soft skills, coaching, personal branding, business consulting, management, and project management.  

  MedSirat Courses is an e-learning platform that offers a variety of high-quality, engaging, and comprehensive courses. The courses are designed to help individuals improve their skills, explore new interests, and advance their careers.

You can reach out to us through the contact form on our website at https://medsirat.com/contact-us/ or via our social media channels. Additionally, you can call us at 23 99 90 01 or email us at contact@medsirat.com.  

The duration of a consulting intervention by MedSirat varies depending on the specific needs of each client.  In this context, we collaborate closely with our clients to define clear objectives and develop a tailored action plan.

To enroll in a MedSirat course, simply create an account on our platform, browse the available courses, select your desired course, click "Enroll," and follow the instructions to complete your registration.